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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Evil that is Gossip!

I understand that as women we are social creatures, therefore we Relish on our little communities or " cliques". Its what we get Up to when we are in the midst of these cliques that I want to discuss.

When we are in these groups we tend to discuss others, especially those in other groups. Its a woman thing we have these silent "wars" understated competition with other female groups. When we are in public we embrace each other but, the minute the person walks away we dissect their appearance, what they said who they are with...

This type of gossip by all accounts is harmless. Its only when such gossip permeates the Clique that you realise the toxicity of the practice. If you as women discuss others as recreation you will soon run out of subjects and turn to each other.

When you are on the side discussing you will not know the harm of a few choice words, words uttered without thought. Only when you are the discussed do you fully grasp the severity of your actions.

I remember while studying law we were taught in "The Law Of Contract" that omitting to act does not take away liability. How does this apply to gossip? Simple; just listening to gossip in itself makes you an accomplice, you are giving it a platform.

These principles were a few days ago nothing to me, Until I found myself caught up in the dreaded rumour mill. I found myself to be on both sides and let me tell you "its not nice"

I will not for the sake of personal growth get into the who, what,when and why. I will say though its been emotionally taxing, I have learned a lesson from this.

• If you gossip, you will be gossiped about.
• If you give someone the opportunity to gossip to you, eventually they will gossip about you.

The only way to effectively get rid of this "Drug" is to "JUST SAY NO". Although it may be addictive the pain of the crash is not worth the high.

So next time some one attempts to gossip about another to you, remember proverbs 13:3 " He who guards his mouth preserves his life and the one who opens wide his lips comes to ruin"


1 comment:

  1. WoW, how true is that!!! i have been on both ends and either way it's not worth it!

    Thanx for sharing

